About me

About me

I am Daniel "Danny" Horvat. First licensed in 1981 as a member of Amateur Radio Club "Sarajevo" - YU4ALM and was holding YU4WFT and 4N4CX call signs until 1992. I was also a proud member of Electro-Technical University Radio Club "ETF" YU4EXA also known as YZ4Z contest club.

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The E73M station is set for contesting in SO2R category with multiple radios and amplifiers controlled with various software switches and devices. For Dx-ing and low band reception multiple receiving antennas are available. The setup is at constant development...

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The antenna farm has eight Yagi antennas on two towers from 40-10M and wire antennas for low bands 80 and 160M as well as 95 feet tower used as loaded 1/4 wavelength vertical on 160. The short test tower has always some antenna like 6M Yagi or Log periodic 7-30MHz.

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EFHW- End Fed Half Wave transformers

Ever since March 2015 when we started to market the High Ratio/Wideband transformers for EFHW antennas the work on R&D (Research & Development) never stopped. The number of limitations in the design of a 49-81:1 ratio of impedance transformation over a large HF frequency spectrum (1-30MHz) was challenging and final designs are always some sort of compromise. The market demands and drives the constant improvement of power handling, lower insertion loss, and better match to a single Half wave wire and its multiples. We reached some of the market demands and some of them are still limited by rules and mechanics of how these wideband/high ratio transformers operate.