10m antennas at E73M are homemade MPV5’s stacked at 20m, 12m, and 4m above ground. The bottom antennas are fixed to NW at 315 deg.
15m antennas at E73M are homemade 5 element Yagi’s, MPV5’s stacked at 18m, and 10m above ground. The bottom antenna is fixed to NW at 315 deg.
20m antenna at T93M is 4over 4 Yagi at 26m/13m above the ground. The bottom antenna is fixed to the USA. Antennas are 4 element Yagi’s, homemade, designed by me using EZNEC modeling software. Boom length is 24′ (7.4m) and antennas utilize the second driver as a close-spaced director to achieve the uniform VSWR across the whole 20m band.
Antennas spacing is only 13m (0.61wl). It came to me as a surprise that this spacing is optimal for these antennas at my particular antenna position. Actually tower is positioned at the edge of the small hill sloping toward the NW (USA). After iterations in HFTA software by N6BV I came to believe that this separation will best serve my needs of TOA (Take Of Angles) for contest stations.
HFTA software is a great tool to evaluate antenna location as well as a tool to determine the height of the antenna over the ground for maximum performance.
HFTA (formerly YT-Yagi terrain) software is available only via the purchase of the ARRL antenna handbook.
A great demonstration of HFTA software was given at Dayton 2004 by Dean Straw, N6BV, and can be seen here in PowerPoint or here in PDF.
40m antenna at E73M is Cushcraft XM240 modified into Moxon style, 2 element Yagi at 24m (79 feet). Antenna shares the same tower as 20m 4 over 4 element Yagi stack. It is a good performer due to the terrain slope towards the N-NW. Take a look at the diagram below generated by HFTA for elevation statistics from E7 to the USA on 7 MHz. The BLUE diagram represents my antenna at the actual location and the RED diagram is the same antenna over the flat terrain.
80m antenna at E73M is Inverted “V” Modified Extended Double Zepp-EDZ oriented NW-SE, suspended from a 24-meter tower holding the stack for 20m band. It is a great performer mainly due to the terrain slope towards the N-NW. Take a look at the diagram below generated by HFTA for elevation statistics from Bosnia-Herzegovina to the USA on 3.6 MHz.
The BLUE diagram represents my antenna at the actual location and the RED diagram is the same dipole over the flat terrain.
The 160m antenna at E73M is 26m (85 feet) Shunt fed tower with Gamma match. The tower is topped with 4 element Yagi for 20m and 2 elements for 40m ( modified XM-240). As shown on the left picture Omega capacitor is enclosed in the “NEMA” PVC box, #10 Gamma wire is attached at 19 meters and spaced with metal arms with PVC tubes as insulators. The blue box on the left is Stackmatch for 40m antennas. Tower has eight 10 meters long in-ground radials of grounding strips (European standards made of iron and covered by Zinc) and 32 on the ground wire radials each 15 meters long ( 49 feet). Below see informative articles by N6LF on radial length